Freezer Challenge

February 20, 2020

By , Water & Climate Action Manager 

Dr. Raimondi & Dr. Carr’s Gold level certified Green Lab has already received multiple points from participating in the Freezer Challenge

Multiple labs across UCSC’s campus have already completed the Laboratory Freezer Challenge which runs through April 2020. The challenge utilizes friendly competition to optimize sustainability of freezer management in laboratories. Any type of laboratory is eligible to participate. The Freezer Challenge occurs over a five-month period where individual labs and institutions work at their own pace to implement optimal cold storage management practices. Examples of good freezer management include defrosting and removing dust from intake or coils, cleaning out your freezers, or better sample inventory practices. 



The UCSC Green Labs Program is sponsoring the event and the lab with the most points will win a pizza party and eco-swag! 
Additional awards will be given to the national leaders so make sure to put 
“UC Santa Cruz” as your organization.