Each month, our newsletter features a person or group on campus that is working towards a more sustainable world. This month we had the privilege to interview Kyra Fitz, a Senior who has worked many positions at the sustainability office: Carbon Neutrality team and Currently a Carbon Neutrality Fellow. While she is a great member of our team, we are happy to see her graduate. We wish her the best in her future and hope that the Sustainability Office has given her the resources to succeed in her upcoming career. Congrats Grad of 2019!
- What's your favorite memory working at the Sustainability Office?
“I enjoyed how excited students would be about sustainability when I would table at campus events.”
- What is something you recommend to interns at the Sustainability Office?
“Get to know all everyone in the office! It's easier to collaborate with people once you know them better.”
- What does sustainability mean to you? Have your views of sustainability changed in the four years that you have been working at the Sustainability Office?
“Sustainability means living in a society where everyone has clean air, water, access to healthy food, and access to housing. It also means living in a way that allows future generations to thrive and have access to these resources. I've learned that environmental justice is critical to sustainability over my years in the office."
- What were your favorite roles in positions in the office?
“I enjoyed doing research on energy conservation and implementing energy conservation training for students.”
- Tell us about your experience at InterOrg.
“InterOrg was great for connecting with other students and letting them know what we are up to in the Sustainability Office.”
- What teams were you in while working at the sustainability office and what was your current position?
“I was on the Carbon Neutrality team and am currently a Carbon Neutrality Engagement Fellow.”
- While working in the office have you received any training, opportunities, or events that have helped you in your major or future jobs? If so, which are they?
“Yes, I have developed leadership, event and meeting facilitation, and event planning skills while in the office.”
- What are you doing after graduation?
“I'm planning to work hopefully in a marine research lab or environmental organization. I'll also be applying for graduate school.”
- Is there something you would like UCSC students to know about the Sustainability office?
“You can volunteer and get involved with student teams by emailing them.”
- Tell me about your background and how you became part of UCSC? Tell me how you became part of the UCSC Sustainability Office?
“I came to UCSC to study marine biology with all the great marine biology research opportunities there are here. I worked for 2 years with the Student Environmental Center and came to the Sustainability Office because I wanted to work more on emissions reduction and carbon neutrality.”
- What organizations did you connect with other than the sustainability office?
“My job involves a lot of outreach, and I've connected with many sustainability organizations including Enviroslug, POCSC, college gardens, and Fossil Free UC.”
- What is your major and how has the sustainability office help you achieve it?
“My major is marine biology. Addressing climate change is an important part of marine biology and conservation, and the Sustainability Office helped me learn how to implement solutions to climate change.”