New exhibition examines the messier side of life through art and environmental research
March 20, 2025
The annual Environment Art and Social Practice (EASP) Exhibition offers a glimpse into a world where art meets science. This year’s exhibition, opening on April 2 at the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery, embraces the theme Cobija de Tripas or Gut Blanket and tries to map the body through art and research, raising questions about how human, nonhuman and environmental bodies exist in a state of perpetual negotiation with cultural and ecological forces.
Forum captures urgency to use ecosystems now to keep people safe from looming natural disasters
March 12, 2025
The National Practice Forum on Nature-Based Solutions was held in Irvine on February 4 and 5, and sponsored by UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR). The forum drew over 500 attendees from around the country to discuss how our ecosystems can protect us from natural disasters.
Biologist Erika Zavaleta receives Science Division’s Outstanding Faculty Award
March 10, 2025
The Science Division has announced that Erika Zavaleta, a professor in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, has won its 2023-24 Outstanding Faculty Award. The annual prize is the division's highest honor for faculty achievement, recognizing combined excellence in research, teaching, and service.
UC Santa Cruz sets fossil-free date
February 11, 2025
The University of California, Santa Cruz has announced it will reduce fossil fuel emission by 90% by 2045. The date was set based on recommendations from the Decarbonization and Electrification (D&E) team.
New research and art installation demonstrate the viability of using fog as a water source
February 3, 2025
In a state known for its droughts, where the southern half recently experienced devastating fires, understanding California’s natural water sources is more important than ever. Three University of California, Santa Cruz professors have teamed up to create a multipart scientific and artistic research study, Art+Fog as a collective,
UC Santa Cruz AgTech Alliance launches to support interdisciplinary collaboration
January 28, 2025
Building on the long history of innovation in agriculture at the campus, the AgTech Alliance will support research, education, events, and workforce development related to advancing agricultural technology in order to create more formalized opportunities for collaboration within the university and beyond.
Decarbonization & Electrification Town Hall #4
January 28, 2025
The Decarbonization & Electrification Initiative will hold its fourth town hall gathering on February 10, 2025.
Coral-reef restoration can be cost-effective for saving lives, money
January 15, 2025
A new study co-led by the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR) at UC Santa Cruz shows coral reef restoration in Florida and Puerto Rico could save thousands of lives and prevent hundreds of millions of dollars in damage and economic interruption each year.
Scientists collaborate on immersive technology to address climate challenges
December 17, 2024
The UC Santa Cruz Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR) and a team of scientists and science communicators at UC San Diego have developed an initiative focused on immersive technology that uses advanced hardware and software to simulate environments and experiences.
Mangroves save $855 billion in flood protection globally, new study shows
December 5, 2024
Mangroves have been shown to provide $855 billion in flood protection services worldwide, according to a new study from the Center for Coastal Climate Resilience at UC Santa Cruz. The research is featured in the World Bank's 2024 edition of The Changing Wealth of Nations.
Genomics Institute faculty and staff help create non-profit to center Indigenous Knowledge while accelerating conservation genomics research
December 3, 2024
Several current and former UC Santa Cruz faculty and staff have joined with leading experts in the field of conservation genomics to launch Wise Ancestors, a non-profit centering Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities as co-creators of biodiversity conservation projects
New chemical process makes biodiesel production easier, less energy intensive
November 8, 2024
UC Santa Cruz chemists have discovered a new way to produce biodiesel from waste oil that both simplifies the process and requires relatively mild heat. This discovery has the potential to make the alternative fuel source much more appealing to the massive industrial sectors that are the backbone of the nation’s economy.
New policy essay: subsidies’ hidden costs for the environment
October 3, 2024
Government subsidies for business practices and processes should be approached with caution, even when they seem to be environmentally friendly, a team that includes a UC Santa Cruz researcher concludes in this week’s “Policy Forum” in the journal Science.
Sustainability Office Updates its Sustainability and Climate Action Plan
September 26, 2024
Read on to learn more about the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan or S&CAP
New grant funding will help UC Santa Cruz build and diversify a climate resilience workforce for the Monterey Bay region
July 26, 2024
UC Santa Cruz will receive more than $2 million in funding to support education and training programs for undergraduates, graduate students, and working professionals as part of a larger $71.1 million federal grant to the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation and a host of local partners.
UCSC’s Decarbonization & Electrification Work Advances
July 23, 2024
During the 2023-24 academic year, UC Santa Cruz continued to make consistent progress in accelerating the path to decarbonizing the University’s infrastructure focusing on the full decarbonization and electrification of the campus.
Loss of oxygen in lakes and oceans another sign of Earth systems under strain
July 15, 2024
New essay co-authored by UC Santa Cruz researcher says aquatic deoxygenation is intertwined with climate change and other 'planetary boundary' processes
The Harrisons' 'Survival Piece #5: Portable Orchard' on display at the Whitney
June 10, 2024
Survival Piece #5: Portable Orchard conceived and designed in 1972 by leading pioneers of the eco-art movement and UC Santa Cruz emeriti professors Helen Mayer Harrison (1927–2018) and Newton Harrison (1932–2022) will be exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York starting on June 29, 2024.
The UCSC Arts Division & Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery present 'Material Matters'
May 21, 2024
Once a year the art department hands out its most prestigious award, the William Hyde Irwin and Susan Benteen Irwin Scholarship. Every year twelve students receive this merit scholarship to help them create work that will be presented in the Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery. This year the 38th annual Irwan Exhibition runs from May 29 through June 15.
UC Santa Cruz biologist tapped to contribute to national report on nature's role in society
May 16, 2024
For America's first-ever report on nature’s inherent worth, and its contributions to the economy, our health and well-being, UC Santa Cruz's Malin Pinsky will co-author a chapter on nature and climate change. He is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and one of 10 authors contributing to the chapter.
UC Santa Cruz set to sign Okanagan Charter
May 9, 2024
The Okanagan Charter will be adopted by UC Santa Cruz making it the 4th campus to adopt it.
People Planet Power Summit - A Success!
April 19, 2024
Celebrating another successful year of this amazing student-led event, People Planet Power 2024 was a success.
New research reveals steps California must take to capture more jobs from lithium battery boom
March 26, 2024
A new study from the UC Santa Cruz Institute for Social Transformation, New Energy Nexus, and the UC Berkeley Labor Center demonstrates the need for strategic investments and policy approaches to encourage build-out of the lithium supply chain within California in an environmentally friendly and economically inclusive manner.
"Meet" Recycle Coach
January 31, 2024
Confused about Recycling? There’s an app for that! Download the new Recycle Coach app!
Just Transition and Equity Analysis
January 8, 2024
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to promoting and protecting an environment that values and supports every person in an atmosphere of civility, honesty, cooperation, professionalism and fairness. The UCSC Decarbonization & Electrification (D&E) Task Force has called for the formation of a Just Transition & Equity Subcommittee to conduct a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) analysis.
Voices: Underrepresented Perspectives in Sustainability and Environmentalism
November 14, 2023
New co-edited volume draws together voices across and beyond campus to center underrepresented perspectives in sustainability and environmentalism
Biketober & BCycle
October 12, 2023
BCycle, an e-bike share program has reached UCSC campus and city, putting local transportation "into the future".
UCSC 10-Year Strategic Plan
June 15, 2023
In the summer of 2022, Chancellor Cindy Larive launched an ambitious goal: create a 10-year strategic plan to lead the UCSC campus into the future.
UC Implements an Equity Weighted Social Cost of Carbon
May 30, 2023
The social cost of carbon (SCC) is a science-based estimate, in dollars, of the economic damages that result from the impact of each additional ton of CO2 emissions. Read on to learn UC is doing.
Inter-Organizational Retreat 2023 - Get Out The Vote for Fee Measure 78!
May 12, 2023
The annual Sustainability and Social Justice Inter-Organizational Retreat was a huge success this year! Fee Measure 78, if passed, will allow the Sustainability Office to continue offering this program 100% free of cost to undergraduate students.
UCSC’s Journey to Electrify Landscape Equipment
May 10, 2023
See what the Carbon Fund and the Sustainability Office are doing towards reduction of UCSC use of gas-powered equipment.
UCSC Catering Services and Sustainability Office Partner with Local Organizations to Support Pajaro Community
April 5, 2023
UCSC Decarbonization & Electrification Town Hall #2
March 27, 2023
On May 9th, Task Force members will host UCSC’s Second Decarbonization & Electrification (D&E) Town Hall.
2022-23 Carbon Fund Grant Cycle is Complete
March 3, 2023
UCSC hosts its first decarbonization & electrification town hall
February 3, 2023
On Thursday, January 26th, UCSC’s decarbonization and electrification (D&E) task force and the Climate Coalition hosted its first town hall meeting.
Cool Campus Challenge 2023
January 8, 2023
Cool Campus Challenge is launched!
Co-Creating Climate Resiliency in Frontline Communities of Color
November 7, 2022
Sustainability Office SEJA's and CNY teams are hard at work creating meaningful partnerships.
UCSC ties for first place in sustainable research
November 4, 2022
The Carbon Fund Celebrates 10 Years
June 23, 2022
UCSC’s Carbon Fund has officially been sponsoring sustainability and innovation projects for over ten years!
UCSC renews its AASHE-STARS Gold rating!
May 12, 2022
This year, UCSC achieved a GOLD rating in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS), for the third time in a row.
Less Single Use Cups at UCSC
April 12, 2022
BYO is the way to go! This past month, UCSC Dining is charging $ 0.25 for each single-use cup across campus.
Vote YES on Fee Measure 76
April 8, 2022
This year, the election runs from April 18th to April 25th and the Sustainability Office has placed a fee measure on the ballot: Fee Measure 76. Also known as the Sustainability Office Fee, it provides around 25 students the opportunity to work in the Sustainability Office annually.
Incubator Replacement Projects Hatch Great Savings
November 5, 2021
Incubator replacement efforts lead to up to 93% energy savings, in addition to greenhouse gas and financial savings at UCSC. Learn more about this great initiative lead by Julio Harvey, Biology Teaching Laboratories Manager.
Wonderfil Refill Stations Are Coming to Campus
October 7, 2021
Wonderfil will be on our campus soon, thanks to Banana Slug Alumnus and Carbon Fund grant.
2019-2020 Carbon Fund Projects Show Their Impact
September 24, 2021
Throughout 2019-2020 the UCSC Carbon Fund awarding nearly $140k in sustainable projects.
Anthropology Teaching Labs Embrace Sustainability to the “Bone”
June 24, 2021
The Green Labs team has recently had the opportunity to meet with the Anthropology Labs Manager, Richard Baldwin, whose sustainable practices have found their way into his lab space. The Anthropology department has had a good track record of being resourceful on campus as much as they can.
Santa Cruz Student Mehul Kamran Leaves Big Impact on Campus
June 14, 2021
Mehul Kamran (he/him) is a senior studying environmental studies and economics at UCSC. While at Santa Cruz, he's been part of a few huge decisions being implemented on campus. After graduation, he hopes to work in corporate sustainability, and in his spare time loves hiking, climbing, playing basketball, listening to music, and watching Netflix.
Press Release Home Office Assessment Challenge
December 9, 2020
The Green Office Certification Program staff is excited to announce the relaunch of the Home Office Assessment Challenge. Now that everybody who is able to work at home is doing so, we should look at ways to stay green during quarantine! Now that you are acclimated to your home office, you should make sure you are being as sustainable as you possibly can. Through this challenge, you assess your emissions, water, waste, and environmental justice impact to get a score! And as another incentive, the person with the highest score wins a $75 Patagonia gift card with two runner-up $50 cards.
Grounds Department Embraces Sustainability and Saves One Million Gallons of Water
December 4, 2020
Josh Goldman, the Assistant Superintendent of Tree Management, Turf and Irrigation Management, Pest Control, and Equipment and Infrastructure works diligently every day to keep the lush lands of campus looking healthy. Goldman’s expertise was not mastered overnight, starting out on golf course turf management, he brings over 20 years of experience to UCSC.
UC Santa Cruz Biology Teaching Labs Wins Honorable Mention for Freezer Challenge 2020
November 4, 2020
The 2020 International Freezer Challenge has come to an end and the winners have been announced! Out of the 88 research institutions and 218 labs around the world participating, this year Dr. Julio Harvey has won the Honorable Mention for his tremendous efforts to improve cold storage management and to reduce the environmental impact of the UCSC Biology Teaching Labs.
The UC is Collecting Input on a New Carbon Offset Policy
November 4, 2020
The University of California, as a part of meeting our 2025 carbon neutrality goal, is using our exceptional research capacity to develop a portfolio of high-quality carbon offset projects aligned with UC’s mission of research, education, and public service. Learn more about how you can give feedback on the UC's draft offset policy.
The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting
September 9, 2020
Mehul Kamran, UCSC Carbon Neutrality Fellow discusses the pros and cons of telecommuting
A YES on Measure 74 is a YES on Sustainability
May 12, 2020
Measure 74 is a small undergraduate student fee measure that allows the Sustainability Office to fund paid undergraduate student positions in the office and across campus in sustainability, to host the Annual Sustainability & Social Justice Inter-Organizational Retreat, and to support student professional development and travel to sustainability conferences.
Bay Tree Moves to 100% Recycled Gowns
March 5, 2020
UCSC's 2020 Commencement gowns are made from 100% recycled materials as the campus continues to move toward a more sustainable event.
A Look at the 2020 Sustainability & Social Justice Inter-Organizational (InterOrg) Retreat
March 5, 2020
Reflecting on this year's 2020 Sustainability & Social Justice InterOrganizational Retreat.
Freezer Challenge
February 20, 2020
UCSC Labs Participate in the International Freezer Challenge!
Energy & Emissions Presentation
February 19, 2020
Carbon Neutrality Initiative Fellow offers an Energy & Emissions Presentation to UCSC classes and clubs.
Million LED Challenge
February 12, 2020
UCSC Affiliates Eligible for Discounted LED Bulbs Through the Million LED Challenge
UCSC Switches Fleet Diesel Use to Biofuel
February 10, 2020
2020 has began with many great news for UCSC on the transportation front. UCSC fleet vehicles switched to renewable diesel fuel and TAPS has new initiatives to reduce the impact of commuters on our environment.
People of Color Sustainability Collective Leading the Way
October 14, 2019
UCSC People of Color Sustainability Collective was recognized and was highlighted in the AASHE Sustainable Campus Index as leading the way towards environmental justice!
Free online training and webinars through LEED
December 4, 2018
Sustainability Inter-Organizational Retreat
November 27, 2018
Showcasing our sustainability
November 13, 2018
The campus, through the Sustainability Office, is in the midst of collecting information to submit for our 2019 report to the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS).
Now Hiring: Office Manager/Events Coordinator Staff Position, Deadline 2/5
January 18, 2017
Startup Weekend Santa Cruz: Sustainability & Social Impact
November 17, 2016
Carbon Slam Applications Due 4/10
March 21, 2016
Any student, undergraduate or graduate, in the UC system is invited to submit an application to represent their campus in either the Climate Impact or Climate Solutions competitions. Learn more about the categories of competition and entry details, including video submission guidelines.
Provost's Sustainability Internship Applications Due 4/28
April 23, 2015
Apply to the PSI program for a hands-on learning experience with sustainability projects on campus.
The sun rises as one of UC's top energy choices
September 11, 2014
Through two new agreements, UC has committed to the largest purchase of solar power by any university in the country.
UC announces new approaches to combat climate change
September 10, 2014
The University of California announces a series of measures to make UC a national leader in sustainability, efforts that range from proposals to actively use its $91 billion portfolio to invest in climate solutions to a major agreement to boost solar energy use.
Call for Your Waste Reduction Stories!
November 7, 2013
Calling all students, staff, and faculty! Have you done something innovative to reduce waste? Help us tell the whole story about waste reduction at UCSC by telling us your waste reduction story.
Impact Award: Beyond a Personal Commitment
November 7, 2013
Students are encouraged to take the Chancellor's Sustainability Challenge to the next level with the Impact Award, which includes a cash prize of up to $300.
88% of Waste Diverted from Landfill at OPERS Fall Festival
November 7, 2013
88 percent of the total pounds of waste from OPERS Fall Festival was diverted away from the landfill to be recycled or composted.
McHenry Library Goes Solar!
October 6, 2013
The library is UCSC's first on-site renewable power system and it will provide 25% of the annual electrical energy needed for the building. More importantly, it will provide 75-100% of the power needed for the building during peak times of year.
Chancellor's Sustainability Challenge
September 13, 2013
Chancellor Blumenthal is challenging UCSC students, staff, and faculty to reduce their own waste this year, in an effort to get us closer to our Zero Waste by 2020 goal.
New! Campus Sustainability Plan
September 12, 2013
The 2013 - 16 Campus Sustainability Plan, which outlines goals and objectives for making UCSC more sustainable, is complete!
The IDEASS internship program is currently accepting applications for Fall. Find out more and apply here!
May 2, 2013