Climate, Energy, & Decarbonization

Get Funded:
Do you have an idea for a project that will help UCSC reduce its emissions? Find out how you can make your idea a reality by submitting a Carbon Fund proposal.
Learn more:
UCSC is embarking on the ambitious effort of decarbonization & electrification planning.
Learn how UCSC and the UC system is utilizing an equity weighted social cost of carbon in its energy decision making.
Bring an Energy & Emissions Presentation to your department, class, or club.
Visit our Renewable Energy website
UCSC was the first of 10 UC campuses to complete a comprehensive project study in 2017, the Climate & Energy Strategy, to assess readiness and opportunities in striving towards the achievement of carbon neutrality.V - CES Appendix
View UCSC GHG emissions inventories as displayed by:
- UC Annual Reporting
- Second Nature's Carbon Commitment
- The Climate Registry
USGBC LEED membership resources
Green Power Leadership Award - The EPA rands the UC as the #1 user of Green Power in the country
Visit our Energy Management's website to learn more about our utilities, current projects, and look at live data.
Participate in the Million LED ChallengeUCSC Affiliates Eligible for Discounted LED Bulbs Through the Million LED Challenge