Critical Environmentalisms Faculty & Staff
Learn about Critical Environmentalisms Faculty and Staff
Gretchen Andreasen
Title: Cal Teach Director
Dept: Cal Teach
Key Words: Cal Teach, educational equity, science education, math education, secondary math and science teaching, K-12 education
DirectoryHillary Angelo
Title: Associate Professor
Dept: Sociology
Key Words: Urban greening, urban climate/sustainability planning, politics of public lands and renewable energy development, urban and environmental sociology
DirectoryDerede Arthur
Title: Lecturer
Dept: Writing
Key Words: Climate communication, social theory/social movements/politics and climate change, climate change and psychology
DirectoryLinnea Beckett
Title: Assistant Adjunct Professor and (H)ACER Program Director
Dept: (H)ACER Program, John R. Lewis College
Key Words: Community engagement, decolonial feminisms, popular education, informal STEM learning
DirectoryCourtney Bonam
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: Psychology/Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
Key Words: Environmental racism, social psychology, discrimination and inequality, environmental justice, social justice
DirectoryJeffrey Bury
Title: Professor and Graduate Director
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Environmental justice, political economy of environmental problems
DirectoryYishu Chen
Title: Professor
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Economics and policy in energy, water resources and transportation sectors
DirectoryAna Christina Ravelo
Title: Professor
Dept: Ocean Sciences
Key Words: Stable isotope, geochemistry, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology
DirectorySteve Coulter
Title: Continuing Lecturer
Dept: Writing
Key Words: Environmental justice, environmental activism, social justice
DirectoryGage Dayton
Title: Administrative Director
Dept: Natural Reserve System
Key Words: Natural Reserves
DirectoryT.J. Demos
Title: Professor
Dept: History of Art and Visual Culture
Key Words: Art and social movement visual culture, environmental and climate justice, anti-extractivism, abolition ecology, anti-capitalism, ecosocialism
DirectoryJennifer Derr
Title: Associate Professor and Founding Director of the Center for the Middle East and North Africa at UCSC
Dept: History
Key Words: Disease and immunity, science studies, environmental studies, biomedical sciences, capitalism, colonialism, water
DirectoryLindsey Dillon
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: Sociology
Key Words: Environmental justice, race/racism
DirectoryRobin Dunkin
Title: Associate Teaching Professor
Dept: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Key Words: Equity, diversity, marine biology, field studies
DirectoryElida Erickson
Title: Sustainability Director
Dept: Sustainability Office
Key Words: Sustainability Office, equity and inclusion in sustainability
DirectoryAnna Friz
Title: Associate Professor
Dept: Film & Digital Media
Key Words: Media ecologies, land use, infrastructures, time perception, and critical fictions
DirectoryDavid Gordon
Title: Associate Professor
Dept: Politics
Key Words: Global urban climate governance, socially and just transformative climate policy, city-networks
DirectoryMiriam Greenberg
Title: Professor and Chair
Dept: Sociology
Key Words: Affordable housing, inequitable development, critical approaches to the study and implementation of sustainability
DirectoryLes Guliasi
Title: Researcher
Dept: Sociology
Key Words: Role of legislative and regulatory policy lag in keeping up with market, economic, and technological advancements
DirectoryKathleen Gutierrez
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: History
Key Words: Critical plant studies, scientific and agricultural labor, colonial epistemologies, plant sciences, and imperial science
DirectoryMichelle Hernandez
Title: Community Outreach Coordinator
Dept: John R. Lewis College
Key Words: (H)ACER, community engagement, food justice, sustainability, critical environmental justice
DirectoryRebecca Hernandez
Title: Community Archivist
Dept: Library
Key Words: Recognizing contributions of people of color to environmental movement, students in particular
DirectoryElizabeth Howard
Title: Director
Dept: Younger Lagoon Reserve
Key Words: Younger Lagoon, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
DirectoryZia Isola
Title: Director
Dept: Genomics Institute
Key Words: Genomics Institute Office of Diversity, STEM, diversity, scholarships, genomics, equity, inclusion, science studies
DirectorySikina Jinnah
Title: Professor
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Global environmental governance, climate change politics, geoengineering governance, climate justice
DirectoryKristy Kroeker
Title: Professor
Dept: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Key Words: Sustainability, climate change, coastal science, ecology, marine biology, marine sciences, environmental policy, ocean sciences, science communication, geochemistry
DirectoryFlora Lu
Title: Provost/Professor
Dept: College 9 & John R. Lewis College and Environmental Studies
Key Words: Environmental justice, PoCSC, critical campus sustainability
DirectoryRobert Majzler
Title: Lecturer
Dept: Psychology, John R. Lewis College, Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Key Words: Liberation psychology, critical psychology, feminist psychology, social movements, decolonizing the university, critical whiteness studies
DirectoryAndrew Mathews
Title: Professor
Dept: Anthropology
Key Words: Global environmental change, landscape history, environmental politics
DirectoryKatie Monsen
Title: Continuing Lecturer
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Agroecology and agriculture, sustainability
DirectoryMaywa Montenegro
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Knowledge politics and onto-epistemologies that underpin a spectrum of (scientific, movement, institutional) approaches to agri-food systems change
DirectoryEmily Murai
Title: Lecturer
Dept: Environmental Studies & College 9
Key Words: Environmental justice, critical human geography, writing across the curriculum/in the disciplines (WAC/WID)
DirectoryLaurie Palmer
Title: Professor
Dept: Digital Arts and New Media
Key Words: Environmental justice & social practice
DirectoryKyle Parry
Title: Associate Professor
Dept: History of Art and Visual Culture
Key Words: Digital culture/media in relation to environmental problems
DirectoryAdina Paytan
Title: Lecturer
Dept: Earth & Planetary Sciences
Key Words: Biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, environmental and aquatic chemistry
DirectoryStacy Philpott
Title: Professor/Faculty Director of Center for Agroecology
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Agroecology, biodiversity, community ecology, climate change, conservation biology, ecosystem services, food sovereignty, landscape ecology, urban ecology
DirectoryRavi Rajan
Title: Professor
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Environmental justice, Global Environmental Justice Observatory
DirectoryEnrico Ramirez-Ruiz
Title: Professor
Dept: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Key Words: Lamat Program, diversity, inclusion
DirectoryJason Samaha
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: Psychology
Key Words: UC Green New Deal, UCSC Climate Coalition
DirectoryNeil Schaefer
Title: Continuing Lecturer
Dept: Rachel Carson College
Key Words: Rachel Carson College, social justice, environmental ethics
DirectoryKatherine Seto
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept: Environmental Studies
Key Words: Marine resource access, equity
DirectoryAmanda Smith
Title: Associate Professor
Dept: Literature
Key Words: Environmental humanities, Latin America
DirectoryBruce Thompson
Title: Continuing Lecturer
Dept: History and Literature
Key Words: Environmental History
DirectoryEllen Vaughan
Title: Water & Climate Action Manager
Dept: Sustainability Office
Key Words: Sustainability Office, energy and water conservation and efficiency, electrification and renewable energy, green labs, carbon fund, climate resilience on campus and in the community
DirectoryPeter Weiss
Title: Faculty Researcher and Continuing Lecturer
Dept: Chemistry & Biochemistry/Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology/Earth & Planetary Sciences
Key Words: Bioaccumulation of toxins into the foods that are consumed by wildlife and humans.
DirectoryClara Weygandt
Title: Lecturer
Dept: Rachel Carson College
Key Words: Rachel Carson, Nature & Environmental Writing
DirectoryJennifer Wood
Title: MEP Academic Counselor
Dept: Baskin School of Engineering
Key Words: Student services, psychology, counseling, disabilities, social justice, student development, student employment, career counseling
DirectoryErika Zavaleta
Title: Professor
Dept: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Key Words: CAMINO, Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program, ecology, conservation science, global change biology, plant biodiversity, plant-animal interactions, meta-analysis, community and ecosystem dynamics, nitrogen biogeochemistry, ecological anthropology, climate change adaptation