
We assess offices on their energy saving practices. Actions like making power strips easily accessible, plugging printers/copiers/fax machines into power strips, turning off all appliances at the end of the day, and using Energy Star™ computers and printers are taken into account. If your office wants help on understanding sustainable methods to save energy, take a look at the valuable resources below. 

Phantom Energy

Many gadgets, electronic devices, and appliances draw power even when they're switched off/not in use just by being plugged in. Unplugging these devices while they're not in use saves energy and money.

Common appliances that continue to use energy while plugged in but not in use: 

  • Televisions
  • Desktop computers
  • Landline/chordless phones
  • Printers
  • Chargers for cell phones and laptops
  • Mini Fridge
  • Printers


Energy Star Buying Guide: Learn about what to consider when buying a new desktop or laptop to increase energy efficiency. 

Setting Energy Saving Settings: Lowering brightness and turning off screen savers are just some ways to reduce computer energy use.


LED Information: LEDs are the most efficient lights on the market today they use 90% less energy than incandescents. UCSC affiliates can get high quality LEDs at a discount throught the Million LED Challenge. Learn more about Energy Efficient Lighting practices.

Printable turn off the lights sign for placing next to light switches. 


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